We have plenty of talented candidates. Let us connect you with them.
Let our experts identify the candidates you need. We know your time is important, so save your efforts and leave it in our hands to find the right talent that will make your business grow.
From juniors to high level management
Regardless of the sector you work in or how big your business is, we at HRS will do everything we can to get to know your business and understand your specific requirements from the candidates. This will allow us to find the right experts for you and help you retain them.

Permanent placement
Assessment and selection of potential employees to fill long-term positions in your company.
Temporary staffing
Prompt and timely hiring of the best available candidates for individual projects and seasonal work.
Personnel Administration
Managing contractual relationships, payroll and other administrative duties.
Taking care of all hiring and management duties for your business.
Execution of all activities around payroll processing and tax report preparation.
Employer branding
Developing a strategy and campaigns to develop an employer brand and attract new talent.
A comprehensive approach to assessing candidates' skills, qualities and personal traits.
Providing a seamless exit process to help your departing employees.
Taking over the entire talent acquisition process, allowing your business to grow faster.
Research & Consultancy
Research, analysis and assistance with your overall HR strategy and recruitment projects.