Prefered work models - second edition 2024
The end of the year is the moment when we set the budget for the next year and finalize strategies for attracting and retaining personnel. The last quarter of the year proves to be quite dynamic. Starting from September 2023, there has been a sudden movement in the labor market.
In line with this dynamic, HRS's "Research and Consultations" offers you an ideal solution for the end of the year with our "Salary Survey", Basic Report:
- Express - within 5 working days;
- Up-to-date - data from our database for the last 6 months, personalized for your business;
- Confidential - not asking for information about the compensation levels you offer.
- Relevant - observations based on daily updates to our database, not on an annual basis.
Making informed decisions is crucial for business in any direction.
Within the scope of our database, you will find 150,000 records across various sectors and positions. Our observations reflect candidate salary expectations, validated by our experts, in accordance with the actual levels offered by employers, excluding any unrealistic information from the observation.
Take a sneak peek how a part of the Basic Report from the compensation study looks like:

Companies often tell us that they request our advice on compensation because, in their experience, our recommendation is most relevant and helps them with employee recruitment, attraction, and retention.
Stay in tune with the dynamic situation of the labor market and consult with human resources specialists - HRS Bulgaria.