International Projects Expert

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Мениджмънт и Бизнес развитие
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Работа от вкъщи
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Елица Миленова
Старши Консултант "Подбор на персонал"
Препоръчай приятел

Това, което не представлява интерес за вас, може да е мечтаната промяна за друг.

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Мениджмънт и Бизнес развитие
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At HRS, we believe the right job can transform a person's life and the right person can transform a business. We're passionate about connecting our candidates with the right job for them. You are not an exception!

The extensive experience in the human resources industry under our belt has given us valuable insights and extensive knowledge of the corporate cultures and thus enabled us to locate the best candidates for our clients.

For our partner- a leader in entrepreneurship, innovation and green culture, we are looking for an:

International Projects Expert

Here's what you can do to help develop a better perspective:

· Writing and submitting innovative project proposals;

· Communicating with national and international partners, as well as with European Commission units;

· Coordinating the overall project cycle;

· Providing advice to business administration representatives;

· Organizing conferences, forums, trainings, etc;

· Supervising the technical and financial reporting of projects;

· Coordinating activities with partner organizations;

· Participating in international conferences and forums;

· Travelling to attend partner meetings, forums and training.


Here's how the company will repay you:

· A chance to do what you are best at and be financially satisfied;

· The opportunity to work in a company "from" and "for" a better future;

· Additional health insurance;

· Travel abroad for conferences and training;

· Work in a dynamic environment with a creative and motivated team;

· An irreplaceable chance to make your mark in creating a brighter and more successful "tomorrow".


You are the man of "our future" if you possess:

· Bachelor’s Degree;

· Excellent command of English - C1;

· At least 2 years of experience in organizing and managing projects;

· Highly developed time, team and resource management skills;

· Excellent communication and presentation skills;

· Interest in green innovation and sustainable development;

· Ability to travel.


Only pre-approved candidates will be contacted.

HRS Recruitment Services has License №2525 valid from 26.04.2018.

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