Customer Support Specialist - English Only

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Аутсорсинг & Контакт центрове
Контакт центрове
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Мария-Луиза Ханджийска
Старши консултант подбор на персонал
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Това, което не представлява интерес за вас, може да е мечтаната промяна за друг.

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Аутсорсинг & Контакт центрове
Контакт центрове
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Our partner is one of the top technological innovators in the vehicle relocation sector.

The company offers great professional challenges and a positive environment.

Passion and desire to achieve results can really make a difference.

Every day they look for new ways to do what they do best. They strive to construct new innovative ways on the way to success!

For their newly formed team we are looking for a motivated professional, who wants to continue their development in the logistics industry. Are you their:

Customer Support Specialist

Your responsibilities on the path to success:

  • Handling customer inquiries via phone, email, and chat in a professional and timely manner;
  • Resolving customer issues and concerns by providing accurate and efficient solutions;
  • Providing status updates for clients/transferees;
  • Managing and documenting customer interactions in their CRM system;
  • Providing service information to customers and assisting with their needs.

The company offers:

  • A chance to do your best and be financially satisfied;
  • Additional health insurance;
  • Sports card (Multisport/Coolfit).;
  • Covered transport fees;
  • A convenient office location;
  • Company training programs;
  • Well-coordinated professional team;
  • Opportunity to show your potential in a multinational environment.

To succeed you should have:

  • 2+ years of professional experience in a similar role;
  • Excellent English proficiency - both written and spoken;
  • Communication skills and empathy;
  • Thorough grasp of customer needs;
  • Organizational skills and attention to detail.

If you recognize yourself in this position, send us your CV.

Подобни позиции

Оператор контактен център с френски и английски език

За продуктова компания във финансовия сектор търсим оператор контактен център с опит, който да отговаря на запитвания по телефон и имейл от потенциални и настоящи бизнес клиенти.


Junior Project Coordinator - Interior Design

One of our clients is a design studio, specialized in projects for various prestigious offices, residential and commercial spaces. Their team includes a mix of designers and creative talent who are firmly committed to the success of every project.


МАШИНЕН ИНЖЕНЕР в отдел електроника

В търсене сме на опитен и мотивиран Машинен инженер, който да се присъедини към екипа на водеща компания в областта на електрониката. Ако имате технически умения и опит в електрониката, това може да е идеалната възможност за вас.‍
